Getting to know students with the problems associated with the hotel management company
- Effect of changes in the environment on the functioning of a modern hotel:
- identification of proximal and distal environment of a modern hotel,
- the impact of environment on business deals,
- the main trends and tendencies in the hotel industry as a result of changes in the environment.
- The concept of hotel business:
- the definitions of the hotel business,
- objectives, characteristics and functions of the hotel business,
- classification of business guests,
- the product business hotel.
- The components of the contemporary hotel:
- setting supplies,
- the reception and lobby,
- part of the floor,
- the activities of the service floors,
- technical meeting hotel facility,
- the directorate, together with the cells and the supporting functional hotel.
- The economics of the hotel business:
- demand and supply of hotel services,
- income and expenses at the hotel,
- methods for pricing of hotel services.
- Selected methods and techniques of modern business hotel:
- franchising,
- outsourcing,
- benchmarking,
- reengineering,
- lean management.
- Operational management in the contemporary hotel:
- process management in the hotel,
- the basic operational processes occurring in the hotel,
- the management of operational activities in the company hotel,
- Strategic management in the contemporary hotel:
- the process of strategic management,
- strategies for development of the business hotel,
- functional strategies in the hotel,
- Fundamentals of corporate finance the hotel:
- financial management of the hotel,
- the financial information in a company hotel,
- the basics of financial analysis in the hotel.